Katić Kiropraktika i Akupunktura: Canadian Trained Professionals
Heal Your Pain. Feel Better.
Our Services
With the care of our experts Katić Kiropraktika i Akupunktura will help you recover from pain and improve your wellbeing. We utilize a number of therapies, chiropractic treatment and techniques, acupuncture, and corrective exercise to relieve pain and improve function and quality of life. We provide patients with all the tools they need to walk out happier and more satisfied than ever before.
Acupuncture is a safe, painless, and natural treatment for a wide variety of ailments and illnesses. Medical or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques can be used for pain relief, reduction of inflammation, relief of tension or general wellbeing.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is offered by Doctors of Chiropractic. Chiropractic doctors are highly trained specialists who can help you overcome spinal, muscular, soft tissue, or nervous system problems. Chiropractic care is a safe and natural alternative to many injuries and conditions that would otherwise be treated with medications or surgery. Find out if chiropractic care is appropriate for you.
Rehabilitative Exercise
Maintaining your health